Best way to get from Malaga to Nerja
If you are going to travel from Malaga airport to Nerja.
- Take the direct bus to Nerja at 2:30 p.m.
- Take a direct transfer from the airport to Nerja.
- Take a bus or train from the airport to Malaga city.
Get the local train (every 20 mins, journey time 10 mins) from the airport to Maria Zambrano station (last but one stop on the line before Málaga Centro) – Direction Málaga, not Fuengirola.
Once you come up out of Maria Zambrano station. Go to the Malaga bus station. And take a bus from Malaga to Nerja. (The Maria Zambrano station is inside the mall. You must cross from the mall to the bus station)
Once out of the shopping center cross the road to the bus station. You can buy the bus ticket at the window or download the alsa app and do it online. (you can’t buy on the bus). – In the app you can also see the bus schedules before buying the ticket.
There are restaurants nearby if you need to have a coffee before taking the bus to Nerja.
The total cost of the bus ticket from Malaga to Nerja is about 5€. (the ticket from the airport to Malaga about €2).
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Related links:
– Nerja airport Transfers
– Advertise a property in Nerja lovers
– Apartments with pool in Nerja
– Rent a Scooter in Nerja