Where to buy Starbucks coffee in Nerja?
To enjoy a Starbucks coffee we have to buy cold coffee from Starbucks at Carrefour, Aldi, Lidl or Mercadona.
In Nerja there are no Starbucks cafes. Nerja, one of the tourist destinations where there is still no Starbucks coffee
If we want to enjoy Starbucks coffees in one of their cafes we have to go to Malaga. Here is a list of places in Malaga.
In Nerja there are very good cafes to drink coffee. But there is no Starbucks coffee.
Starbucks C. Hilera Malaga
Starbucks Pl. de Félix Sáenz Malaga
Pl. de Félix Sáenz, 9 · 952 98 05 03
Starbucks Plaza Constitucion Malaga
Starbucks, Pl. de la Constitución, 4, bajo · 952 98 03 38
Starbucks Malaga Airport
Aeropuerto de Málaga – Costa del Sol, Aeropuerto de Málaga, Terminal 3, Planta 1 Puertas D42 y D43 · 607 52 88 79