👉 Bus Nerja to Frigiliana 🚌 – TIMETABLE & Tickets

Frigiliana is only 4 km from Nerja. You can easily get there by car from Nerja. But you can also take the bus or a taxi to Frigiliana.

Do you know Frigiliana?

Here are some photos of interesting places, where to eat or what to see in Frigiliana. Click on the photo to enlarge.

How to get to Frigiliana easily

To get to Frigiliana from Nerja you can go by car, bus or taxi. There is a fast transfer and taxi service from Nerja. You can also buy a basic bus ticket. There are buses to Frigiliana every hour from 7.20h in the morning until 20.30h in the evening. There is no bus service at night.

Are there buses between Nerja and Frigiliana at night?

No, there is only a bus service between Nerja and Frigiliana during the day. If we need to go from Nerja to Frigiliana or from Frigiliana to Nerja at night we can recommend taking a taxi. You can see here the taxis that offer services to Frigiliana. TAXI NERJA – FRIGILIANA

Book bus Nerja Frigiliana

It is not necessary to book in advance. The taxi can be taken from the taxi station in Nerja, the bus can be taken from the bus station in Nerja. You don’t need to book. But it is always advisable to buy your ticket in advance to avoid delays.

Buy Nerja Frigiliana Bus tickets

The bus ticket is bought on the bus itself. You can catch the bus at the bus station in Nerja and at the bus station in Frigiliana.


Bus Nerja to Frigiliana

Monday to Saturday:


Sundays and public holidays:



Frigiliana – Nerja

Monday to Saturday:


Sundays and public holidays:



GRUPO FAJARDO RESERVES THE RIGHT TO CHANGE TIMETABLES WITHOUT PRIOR NOTICE. We recommend you to check the updated prices on the official website: Grupo Fajardo Bus

Bus Timetable Frigiliana Nerja

From Frigiliana there are buses to Nerja from 7:00 in the morning. Service starts early. And you can catch the bus early. There are buses throughout the day from Monday to Saturday. The first bus leaves from Frigialiana to Nerja at 7:00 a.m. in the morning and the last one at 9:00 p.m. in the afternoon / evening.

Nerja Frigiliana Bus Schedules

There are buses throughout the day from Monday to Saturday. The first bus leaves Nerja at 7.20 in the morning and the last at 8.30 in the afternoon / evening.

Bus Nerja Frigiliana Sunday

On Sundays there is no bus service between Nerja and Frigiliana. But you can take a taxi at the Nerja bus station. In the same place where the buses leave for Frigiliana. The taxi is cheap and you can travel up to 4 people.

Bus Route Nerja – Frigiliana

This is the Nerja – Frigiliana bus route. It leaves from Nerja and arrives in Frigiliana with several stops along the way.

💲 Fares & Prices Bus Nerja – Frigiliana

There are several types of prices depending on the tickets.

Single ticket: €1.2 (Ordinary ticket. Only valid for one trip).

Round trip price to Frigialiana: €2.40 (two trips)

BONUS 10 TRIPS to Frigiliana: €9.60 (this is recommended if you have to go for a week)


BUS VOUCHER Nerja – Frigiliana MONTHLY 30 DAYS: €50 (unlimited individual trips)

More about Frigiliana

📌 Where do you take the bus from Nerja to Frigiliana

The bus is taken at the Nerja bus station. The bus stops next to the main platform. You can see on the map the exact place where the bus picks up people traveling from Nerja to Frigiliana.

📌 Where do you take the bus from Frigiliana to Nerja

The bus in Frigiliana is taken next to the taxi rank. In the area where we find the tourist train, the taxis, the Frigiliana tuktuk, the roundabout that gives access to the old part of Frigiliana. In front of the Ingenio and the square of the three cultures of Frigiliana. See yourself on the map.

Bus Stop Nerja to Frigiliana. Start and finish: Bus Nerja to Frigiliana. This is the start or arrival of the Nerja to Frigiliana bus.

Enjoy an incredible excursion to Frigiliana.

More information about Frigiliana and Nerja: Frigiliana.org, Frigiliana turismo, andalucia.org, Nerja airport transfers

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