📢 Bus service to Competa from Nerja – TIMETABLE & Tickets

Competa is one of the most visited towns in Malaga. You can go by bus, car or taxi. Here we explain how to get to Competa from Nerja by bus.

How to go to Competa from Nerja

To go to Competa from Nerja you have to take a bus from Nerja to Algarrobo Costa or a bus from Nerja to Torre del Mar.

Where does the bus leave from to go to Competa?

The bus to Competa leaves from Algarrobo Costa or from Torre del Mar. From Nerja there is no direct bus. You can go by taxi from Nerja to the bus stop in Algarrobo Costa or on the Alsa bus.


First we take a bus to Torre del Mar with the company (ALSA), and then we take a bus from Torre del Mar to Competa with the company (Loymerbus)

Here we detail step by step how to get to Competa.

Go from Nerja to Torre del Mar, and from Torre del Mar to Competa

1.- Take a bus from Nerja to Torre del Mar (Bus station).

Buy your ticket online or at the Nerja bus station. You must buy a ticket knowing the arrival time. This is important. You should check the bus schedules from Torre del Mar to Competa. To arrive early. For example. If the bus from Torre del Mar to Competa leaves at 12:30 p.m. A good option is to take the bus from Nerja to Torre del Mar at 11:25.

We will arrive at 11.45 and we have 45 minutes to walk to the bus that leaves from Torre del Mar to Competa. The Loymerbus bus is caught in front of his office. At Calle Doctor Fleming 47. Torre del Mar. This is the bus from Torre del Mar to Competa.

You must walk for 15 minutes to the station where we take the Loymer bus that takes us to Competa. See here on the map.

2.- Take a bus from Torre del Mar to Competa

Loymerbus buses leave from Torre del Mar to Competa. You can see below the stop and the photograph of the Loymerbus buses.

If you have doubts. You can see here on the map where to catch the Bus in Torre del Mar – See on the map: https://goo.gl/maps/36tFXCBoZV8PFuTw8

To see the schedules we recommend you visit their website. On the loymerbus website you can see updated timetables – www.loimerbus.es

The Loymerbus bus stops in front of his office. At Calle Doctor Fleming 47. Torre del Mar.

Go from Nerja to Algarrobo Costa, and from Agarrobo to Competa

This option is also very easy. But you also have to take two buses.

1.- Take a bus from Nerja to Algarrobo Costa.

Buy a ticket for Algarrobo Costa, and tell the driver that your stop is near Lidl in Algarrobo Costa. You have to get off at the bus stop near the Lidl Supermarket. You get off the alsa bus and walk to the place where we catch the loymerbus bus.

There are only a few meters from one place to the other. You can see it here on the map.

You have to walk to the stop where we will take the Loymerbus bus that will take us to Competa.

2.- Where to catch the bus in Algarrobo Costa?

Take the bus in Algarrobo Costa, next to the Lidl supermarket

Map: https://www.google.com/maps/place/36%C2%B044’54.6%22N+4%C2%B003’19.3%22W

Bus schedules from Torre del Mar to Competa

The bus makes the following route. Torre del Mar, Algarrobo Costa, Algarrobo, Sayalonga, Competa, Canillas de Albaida, Archez, Curumbela.

We can take the bus in Torre del Mar or Algarrobo Costa. But it is easier to get to Torre del Mar from Nerja. There are buses every hour from Nerja to Torre del Mar via alsa. You can see the timetables online on the alsa website.

IMPORTANT. Check the schedules before buying the tickets

The Loymer bus will stop at Torre del Mar and Algarrobo Costa. It will only stop at certain times. It is important that you arrive at this stop early. To not miss the bus. You can get there by bus from Nerja with alsa or by taxi. But the alsa bus will not drop you off at this stop. You have to walk a bit.

Where to buy bus tickets.

You can buy the Alsa ticket at the Nerja bus station.

The Loymerbus ticket is purchased on the bus itself

PRICES. How much does the bus from Nerja to Competa cost?

The cost of this service is really cheaper than traveling by private taxi. You can check directly on the Loymerbus.es website

The price of the ticket to Competa for the Loymer bus is €1.90 (this price can change at any time). You can check the prices directly with this travel agency.

You can check the price of the ticket from Nerja to Torre del Mar or Algarrobo Costa online on the website www.alsa.com

Direct bus from Nerja to Competa

There are no direct buses from Nerja to Competa, but you can get to Competa making only 1 transfer in Torre del Mar. The Loymerbus company runs the Service from Torre del Mar to Competa. You must take a bus from Nerja to Torre del Mar and another from Torre del Mar to Competa.

Bus schedules from Nerja to Competa

You have to take a bus from Nerja to Torre del Mar and then another from Torre del Mar to Competa. Check the schedules before booking the bus. It is important to know the schedule of the bus from Torre del Mar to Competa, to arrive in advance at the Torre del Mar station. (If you do not arrive early, you will miss the bus. And the only option will be to wait at the station or take a taxi until Complete).

Bus TIMETABLE from Nerja and Torrox Costa to Competa.

You can check the timetables of Nerja Torrox Costa on the www.alsa.es website

Bus schedules from Algarrobo Costa to Competa can be found on the website loymerbus.es

To see the schedules we recommend you visit the Loymer Bus page. This is the company that provides the bus service from Torrox Costa to Competa.

Image obtained from the LoyMer Bus website. Timetables may be outdated. Check the loymerbus.es website

Is it possible to go to other towns?

Yes, the loymerbus bus service can take you from Torre del Mar or Algarrobo Costa to Algarrobo town, Sayalonga, Competa, Canillas de Albaida, Archez and Curumbela.

Contact Loymerbus

Loymerbus office phone: 952 54 11 13

Loymerbus website: www.loymerbus.es

Contact ALSA

ALSA Nerja office phone: 952521504

  • Information and sales telephone 24h: (+34) 902 42 22
  • 24-hour customer service and incident phone: (+34) 91 020 7007
  • Email: alsa@alsa.es
  • Incidents app: alsamovil@alsa.es

ALSA website: www.alsa.com

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