Bus Nerja to Motril

If you are thinking of going from Nerja to Motril, whether for sightseeing, visiting the city, its beaches or the port of Motril. Here we help you with the necessary information to take the bus from Nerja.

How to travel by bus from Nerja to Motril.

1. Buying tickets

Tickets for the bus trip from Nerja to Motril can be purchased at:

  • At the Nerja bus station (if there are sales there, since sales can be made via the internet).
  • On the website of the bus company that operates the route (usually ALSA or similar companies).
  • Sometimes, on the bus itself, if there is availability.

2. Prices

Prices can vary, but typically range from 4 to 8 euros per trip. It is advisable to check the bus company’s website or ask directly at the station to get the exact price.

3. Departure point in Nerja

The bus to Motril usually leaves from the Nerja Bus Station, located in the city centre. Check for additional stops along the route.

4. Destination in Motril

The bus arrives at the Motril Bus Station, which is close to the city centre.

5. Stops along the way

Depending on the route and the company, there may be some stops in between. Buses usually don’t make many stops on a direct route, but may stop at:

  • Almuñécar
  • Other nearby towns

6. Schedules

Schedules may vary depending on the day of the week and the season. Companies usually have several departures per day, usually at times such as:

  • 09:00
  • 11:00
  • 14:00
  • 17:00
  • 19:00

I recommend visiting the bus company’s website to get the exact schedules and confirm availability.

7. List of buses back to Nerja

Here is an example of return schedules from Motril to Nerja (schedules are approximate):

  • 09:00
  • 11:30
  • 14:30
  • 16:30
  • 19:00

It is important to confirm these schedules on the bus company’s website or at the station.

8. Frequently Asked Questions

Where do I buy the bus ticket?

    • At the bus station, on the company’s website or on the bus itself.

    What is the price of the ticket?

      • It varies between 4 and 8 euros, depending on the company and availability.

      Where do you catch the bus in Nerja?

        • At the Nerja bus station.

        What time do the buses leave?

          • There are services during the day, approximately every two hours, but it is advisable to check the schedules.

          Where does the bus arrive in Motril?

            • At the Motril bus station, near the centre.

            Are there intermediate stops along the way?

              • There may be some stops in nearby towns such as Almuñécar.

              Can I buy the ticket on the bus?

                • Sometimes you can buy tickets on the bus, but it is best to make sure.

                Do I need to book the ticket in advance?

                  • It is not always necessary, but it is recommended in high season.

                  Which company operates the route?

                    • Usually ALSA or other regional companies.

                    Is it possible to bring luggage?

                      • Yes, you can usually bring one large and one small suitcase, but check the company’s policies.

                      It is advisable to visit the specific bus company’s website for the most up-to-date information and to confirm details about your trip.

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