▷ How to get to Maro from Nerja → Walking, bus, taxi or train 🚀
How to get to Maro from Nerja
Go to Maro by bus from Nerja.
You can catch the bus at the main station in Nerja. ALSA buses go from Nerja to Maro and to Cueva de Nerja. You can book online at www.alsa.es or buy the ticket at the kiosk at the Nerja bus station. (there are buses every hour). Check here also the timetables for returning to Nerja. Or call nerja taxi for the return if you need to return quickly.
Go to Maro by Taxi from Nerja
This is the most expensive option, but the easiest. You can choose your own schedule. You can take a taxi at the taxi stop or call by phone for the taxi to pick you up.
Go to Maro by train from Nerja (tourist train)
You can catch the tourist train from the train stops in Nerja (Plaza España, Plaza Cavana, or Plaza Los Cangrejos). And with the train you can buy round trip. Remember to catch the last train back. You can pick it up later in the town square in Maro. Or in the Cave of Nerja.
If you are traveling with 4 people, perhaps the best option for 4 people is to take a taxi. The price is approximately €10 each trip.