How to get from Nerja to Torrox?

Torrox is a town very close to Nerja. You can easily get to Torrox from Nerja. By bus, taxi or if you are a sporty person you can go running or walking. But you should know that it is 10 km away.

Go by bus from Nerja to Torrox.

The bus from Nerja can take you directly to the Torrox Costa station. Next to the Aldi supermarket in Torrox in the Torrox Lighthouse area.

But you can also take the bus from Nerja to Peñoncillo. If you want to go to any of the beaches in Torrox in Peñoncillo. Or to the beach bars in Torrox: Pepe Oro, Costa del Sol, Bossa Playa, Media Caña, etc. To go to any of these places, you can go by bus from Nerja. The bus will take you directly to the beach bar area. (at the entrance to Torrox Park).

How to get from Nerja to Torrox – FAQs

Frequently asked questions and quick answers to all questions about getting from Nerja to Torrox, from Nerja to Torrox Cost, from Nerja to Torrox Park and from Nerja to Conejito, Calaceite or El Peñoncillo.

Bus from Nerja to El Peñoncillo

There is a direct bus from Nerja to El Peñoncillo. You can take it directly at the bus station in Nerja. It is a direct bus from Nerja to the beaches of El Peñoncillo.

Bus from Nerja to Torrox Costa

You can also take the bus from Nerja to Torrox Costa, there are buses every 60 minutes. These buses leave from the bus station in Nerja. They are operated by the company Alsa, it is usually the line that goes from Nerja to Malaga and stops in Torrox Costa. You can see the schedules on the official website and book tickets online.

Walk from Nerja to Torrox Costa

If you are brave, you like sports and you feel like walking, it is possible to walk from nerja to Torrox Costa. There are areas of the road that have no sidewalk. But most of the route is already fenced, signposted and it is an easy route with no gradient. The entire route runs along the beaches of Nerja, El Peñoncillo and Torrox Costa.

Go to Torrox by the Frigiliana road

This is another option, it is a good route for bicycle enthusiasts. You can go by bike or rent a motorbike in Nerja. A very nice route, with impressive views from the mountains. You will pass by some beautiful places, rural houses in Frigiliana, rural hotel los caracoles and it is a good training for the brave.

Bus timetable Nerja to Torrox Costa

The bus schedules can be seen on the official website or by downloading the bus application. The buses are reliable and you can book in advance. You can also take the bus without booking and pay on the bus. However, we always recommend booking in advance to guarantee your place on the bus.

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