Rent commercial property for a business in Nerja
In Nerja, some businesses that work well are those related to tourism (such as restaurants, souvenir shops, travel agencies, etc.), food businesses (supermarkets, local product stores, etc.) and businesses related to leisure and free time (bars, pubs, game rooms, etc.).
Buy or rent a commercial property?
Buying or renting a premises depends on various factors such as the available budget, the stability of the business, the desired location, among others. In general, renting can be a good option to start a business and test its viability before investing in purchasing a location.
Best area to rent a place in Nerja:
The areas where there are commercial premises for rent in Nerja are mainly in the center of town, near the tourist areas and the beach. There are also premises available in residential areas, which may be suitable for local businesses.
Some pages where you can find commercial premises for rent in Nerja:
- Idealist
- Photohouse
- Milanuncios
- Wallapop
- Free market
Types of commercial premises
You can find premises fully equipped and ready to go into operation, unbuilt premises and available to adapt according to the needs of the business, premises in structures, under construction or to be renovated, premises with quality finishes. There are many options to choose from.
Commercial property prices in Nerja
The prices of commercial premises for rent in Nerja may vary depending on the location, size, condition of the premises, among other factors. In general, prices can range between 500 and 2000 euros per month, with premises in central and tourist areas being the most expensive.