The weather in Nerja, what is the best month to visit Nerja?

The weather in Nerja, what is the best month to visit Nerja?

The climate in Nerja is subtropical Mediterranean, which means that it has mild winters and hot, dry summers. The average annual temperature in Nerja is around 19 degrees Celsius, although it can vary depending on the time of year. Below, I will describe the approximate climate and temperature in Nerja during each month, as well…

🥇 Nerja, one of the 4 best towns in Andalusia according to the British press

🥇 Nerja, one of the 4 best towns in Andalusia according to the British press

The British press has made a list of the best holiday destinations in Spain. And Andalusia is always among the best destinations. In a list of the 20 most beautiful towns to spend your holidays there are 4 towns in Andalusia. First of all, we find Sanlúcar de Barrameda, in Cádiz. It was the Spanish…

Nerja entre los 4 mejores pueblos de Andalucía según la prensa británica.

Nerja entre los 4 mejores pueblos de Andalucía según la prensa británica.

La prensa británica ha realizado una lista de los mejores destinos de vacaciones en España. Y Andalucía siempre está entre los mejores destinos. En una lista con los 20 pueblos más bonitos para pasar las vacaciones hay 4 localidades de Andalucia. En primer lugar, nos encontramos con Sanlúcar de Barrameda, en Cádiz. fue Capital Española…

10 Best Things to Do in Nerja. What is Nerja Most Famous For?

⭐ Visit Nerja 1.- Visit the Nerja Caves2.- Visit the Balcon de Europa3.- Visit Burriana Beach4.- Visit Maro, Spain5.- Visit the El Salvador Church6.- Visit the Chanquete Boat7.- Eat in a restaurant in Nerja8.- Take a route through the mountains of Nerja9.- Visit the Chanquete Statue10.- BOOK an apartment for an additional night. 🙂 Do…