Where to buy a USB cable in Nerja?
You can buy a usb cable at any electronics store in Nerja. There are some stores like China home, Comercial Rogelio, PepCo, lidl or Carrefour.
You can buy a usb cable at any electronics store in Nerja. There are some stores like China home, Comercial Rogelio, PepCo, lidl or Carrefour.
📌 Property Owners Nerja You can contact property agents in Nerja. We can recommend several in Nerja. You can write us here. Having an agent in Nerja is the best option. You can manage your property directly. But you will have a trusted person with the keys. for breakdowns, repairs and also to rent your property…
📌 Nerja Padel If you need to reserve a paddle tennis court, make a reservation. Or more information about schedules. You can call the municipal sports center by phone. Or you can also go to the office next to the swimming pool and municipal sports pavilion. (pavilion and indoor pool). Open Monday to Saturday. 📌…
Does anyone know the date of the Fair this year? Is it classed as a bank holiday? The Nerja fair is always in October. Normally from October 8 to 12. It is always listed as a holiday. Since October 10 is always a local holiday in Nerja. And October 12 is a national holiday in…
Voy abrir un nuevo restaurante. ¿hay alguna emisora de radio o canal de television para anunciarme? ¿Cuanto cuesta? Si. En Nerja tienes varias emisoras de tv y radio. Puedes consultar los precios directamente con ellos. Tambien puedes escribirnos. Y te ayudamos a promocionar tu negocio. Algunos de nuestros videos cuentan con mas de 1 millon…
En Nerja podemos encontrar muchos bares con tapas gratis. (degustación gratuita por cada bebida). Puedes ver el listado de bares de tapas aquí: Tapas gratis Nerja
📌 Contact with Nerja Lovers I am a retired person. I had to sell my property fast. Because I’m too old to travel to Nerja. (I have been in Nerja for 40 years). Thank you for helping me put my house up for sale. I have worked with real estate agents but the house had…