Rental accommodation in Nerja for 1 month?
Many owners only rent short periods. But in Nerja you can find rental accommodation for 15 days, 1 month or several winter or summer months.
To find a good flat or apartment to rent for months you can search specialized portals such as booking, wimdu, expedia, airbnb, hotels, tripadvisor, hometogo, etc. But the commissions are high for longer stays.
You can try to see prices here: Apartments booking in Nerja
You can get the best prices if you rent directly with the owner. We know many owners in Nerja who rent flats directly.
I can help you get in touch with direct owners.
Write us here. Tell me what you are looking for exactly and we will help you:
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Long term rent up to a year. 2 bed or 1 bed with bedsofa in livingroom. Nice, modern furniture.Parador or Torrecilla. Happy if seaview. Budget 600-700/month from autumn 2023. I am i Nerja april 18th to May 17th, availble to look at apartments.
Kind regards
Hello Carin, perfect, write to us and we will send you some available options. For what dates do you need? Greetings. Write us here: 📩
I usually come for a month at xmass but want to come at other times for 3 weeks
Hi Jean!, Thank you for your comment. This will help other people who are looking for apartments in Nerja. There are apartments at Christmas from €210 a week in some areas of Nerja. Maybe we can help you. what dates do you need? What area would you like to reserve? You can also write us a message through our contact form and we will help you.
Write us here: 📩
Hiya I’m looking for a 1 bed flat in a quiet location with quiet neighbours as my last experience the permanent neighbours where very noisy most evenings and mornings. I’m looking for 1 – 3 months stay cheap as possible
Hi Arron!, good morning! Thank you for your comment. This will help other people who are looking for apartments in Nerja.
Maybe we can help you. what dates do you need? What area would you like to reserve?
You can also write us a message through our contact form and we will help you.
Write us here: 📩
Looking for property in winter 2 beds
Hi Christina, good morning! Thank you for your comment. This will help other people who are looking for apartments in Nerja.
Maybe we can help you. what dates do you need? What area would you like to reserve?
You can also write us a message through our contact form and we will help you.