Most profitable tourist businesses in Spain?

A tourism business is one that offers products or services related to tourism, such as hotels, travel agencies, restaurants, recreational activities, tourist transportation, among others. To open a tourism business, you first need to identify the type of business you want to undertake, carry out a market study to know the demand, competition and viability…

I have sold my house in just 24 hours in this group. Totally grateful to Nerja Lovers!

📌 Contact with Nerja Lovers I am a retired person. I had to sell my property fast. Because I’m too old to travel to Nerja. (I have been in Nerja for 40 years). Thank you for helping me put my house up for sale. I have worked with real estate agents but the house had…

✈ British travelers visiting Spain now need three additional documents to enter Spain.

✈ British travelers visiting Spain now need three additional documents to enter Spain.

Travelers to Spain now need three additional documents to enter Spain. The summer season has started in Spain, and now it is necessary to have some additional documents to enter Spain. When the United Kingdom left the European Union, we already knew that the paperwork and bureaucracy for the mobility of British tourists would increase…